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What does progress in technology mean? – IRS makes a U-turn on facial recognition but questions remain – What retailers need to know about cyberthreats

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Until December 31 2022 we will pay 20,000 to 91,337 USD for exploits of vulnerabilities in the Linux Kernel, Kubernetes, GKE or kCTF that are exploitable on our test lab.

We launched an expansion of kCTF VRP on November 1, 2021 in which we paid 31,337 to 50,337 USD to those that are able to compromise our kCTF cluster and obtain a flag. We increased our rewards because we recognized that in order to attract the attention of the community we needed to match our rewards to their expectations. We consider the expansion to have been a success, and because of that we would like to extend it even further to at least until the end of the year (2022).

During the last three months, we received 9 submissions and paid over 175,000 USD so far. The submissions included five 0days and two 1days. Three of these are already fixed and are public: CVE-2021-4154, CVE-2021-22600 (patch) and CVE-2022-0185 (writeup). These three bugs were first found by Syzkaller, and two of them had already been fixed on the mainline and stable versions of the Linux Kernel at the time they were reported to us.

Based on our experience these last 3 months, we made a few improvements to the submission process:

  • Reporting a 0day will not require including a flag at first. We heard some concerns from participants that exploiting a 0day in the shared cluster could leak it to other participants. As such, we will only ask for the exploit checksum (but you still have to exploit the bug and submit the flag within a week after the patch is merged on mainline). Please make sure that your exploit works on COS with minimal modifications (test it on your own kCTF cluster), as some common exploit primitives (like eBPF and userfaultfd) might not be available.
  • Reporting a 1day will require including a link to the patch. We will automatically publish the patches of all submissions if the flag is valid. We also encourage you all to include a link to a Syzkaller dashboard report if applicable in order to help reduce duplicate submissions and so you can see which bugs were exploited already.
  • You will be able to submit the exploit in the same form you submit the flag. If you had submitted an exploit checksum for a 0day, please make sure that you include the original exploit as well as the final exploit and make sure to submit it within a week after the patch is merged on mainline. The original exploit shouldn’t require major modifications to work. Note that we need to be able to understand your exploit, so please add comments to explain what it is doing.
  • We are now running two clusters, one on the REGULAR release channel and another one on the RAPID release channel. This should provide more flexibility whenever a vulnerability is only exploitable on modern versions of the Linux Kernel or Kubernetes.

We are also changing the reward structure slightly. Going forward the rewards will be:

  • 31,337 USD to the first valid exploit submission for a given vulnerability. This will only be paid once per vulnerability and only once per cluster version/build (available at /etc/node-os-release).
  • 0 USD for exploits for duplicate exploits for the same vulnerability. The bonuses below might still apply.


  • 20,000 USD for exploits for 0day vulnerabilities. This will only be paid once per vulnerability to the first valid exploit submission.
    • To submit 0days, please test your exploit (we recommend to test it on your own kCTF cluster to avoid leaking it to other participants), make a checksum and send the checksum to us. Within a week after the vulnerability is fixed on the mainline, submit the form as a 1day and include the exploit of which you sent a checksum to us.
  • 20,000 USD for exploits for vulnerabilities that do not require unprivileged user namespaces (CLONE_NEWUSER). This will only be paid once per vulnerability to the first valid exploit submission.
    • Our test lab allows unprivileged user namespaces, so we will manually check the exploits to check if they work without unprivileged user namespaces when deciding whether to issue the bonus. We decided to issue additional rewards for exploits that do not require unprivileged user namespaces because containers default seccomp policy does not allow the use of unprivileged user namespaces on containers that are run without CAP_SYS_ADMIN. This feature is now available on Kubernetes and all nodes running on GKE Autopilot have it enabled by default.
  • 20,000 USD for exploits using novel exploit techniques. This is a bonus in addition to the base rewards (applies for duplicate exploits). To qualify for this additional reward please send us a write-up explaining it.
    • An example of something considered as a novel technique could be the exploitation of previously unknown objects to transform a limited primitive into a more powerful one, such as an arbitrary/out-of-bounds read/write or arbitrary free. For example, in all our submissions, researchers leveraged message queues to achieve kernel information leaks. We are looking for similarly powerful techniques that allow heap exploits to be “plugged in” and immediately allow kernel access. Another example is bypassing a common security mitigation or a technique for exploiting a class of vulnerabilities more reliably.

These changes increase some 1day exploits to 71,337 USD (up from 31,337 USD), and makes it so that the maximum reward for a single exploit is 91,337 USD (up from 50,337 USD). We also are going to pay even for duplicates at least 20,000 USD if they demonstrate novel exploit techniques (up from 0 USD). However, we will also limit the number of rewards for 1days to only one per version/build. There are 12-18 GKE releases per year on each channel, and we have two clusters on different channels, so we will pay the 31,337 USD base rewards up to 36 times (no limit for the bonuses). While we don’t expect every upgrade to have a valid 1day submission, we would love to learn otherwise. You can find the flag submission status for our clusters (and their versions) here.

We look forward to hearing from you, and continue to strengthen our shared ecosystem. If you are interested to participate but don’t know where to start, Arizona State University has a free public Kernel Exploitation workshop at https://dojo.pwn.college/challenges/kernel as part of an overall memory corruption course and you can find a community-maintained list of past Linux Kernel vulnerabilities, exploits and writeups curated by Andrey Konovalov at https://github.com/xairy/linux-kernel-exploitation.

This is part of our Vulnerability Reward Program, which we’ve been running for over 10 years, and the rules include some more information. Same as with our other rewards, we will double them if they are donated to charity, and submitters will be included on our site at bughunters.google.com. If you are ready to submit something, please read the instructions on our site here and if you have any other questions please contact us on Discord.

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Last year was another record setter for our Vulnerability Reward Programs (VRPs). Throughout 2021, we partnered with the security researcher community to identify and fix thousands of  vulnerabilities – helping keep our users and the internet safe. 

Thanks to these incredible researchers, Vulnerability Reward Programs across Google continued to grow, and we are excited to report that in 2021 we awarded a record breaking $8,700,000 in vulnerability rewards – with researchers donating over $300,000 of their rewards to a charity of their choice. 

We also launched bughunters.google.com in 2021, a public researcher portal dedicated to keeping Google products and the internet safe and secure. This new platform brings all of our VRPs (Google, Android, Abuse, Chrome, and Google Play) closer together and provides a single intake form, making security bug submission easier than ever. We’re excited about everything the new Bug Hunters portal has to offer, including:

  • More opportunities for interaction and a bit of healthy competition through gamification, per-country leaderboards, awards/badges for certain bugs, and more!

  • A more functional and aesthetically pleasing leaderboard. We know a lot of you are using your achievements in our VRPs to find jobs (we’re hiring!) and we hope this acts as a useful resource.

  • A stronger emphasis on learning: bug hunters can improve their skills through the content available in our new Bug Hunter University

  • Streamlined publication process: we know the value that knowledge sharing brings to our community. That’s why we want to make it easier for you to publish your bug reports.

  • We now offer swag! The first 20 folks who share this blog post on Twitter and tag @GoogleVRP will receive a gift voucher for swag in their DMs.  

As in past years, we are sharing our 2021 Year in Review statistics across all of our programs. We would like to give a special thank you to all of our dedicated researchers – we look forward to more collaboration in the future!


The Android VRP doubled its 2020 total payouts in 2021 with nearly $3 million dollars in rewards, and awarded the highest payout in Android VRP history: an exploit chain discovered in Android receiving a reward of $157,000!

Our industry leading prize of $1,500,000 for a compromise of our Titan-M Security chip used in our Pixel device remains unclaimed – for more information on this reward and Android exploit chain rewards, please visit our public rules page

The program also launched the Android Chipset Security Reward Program (ACSRP), a vulnerability reward program offered by Google in collaboration with manufacturers of certain popular Android chipsets. This private, invite-only program, provides reward and recognition for contributions of security researchers who invest their time and effort into helping make Android devices more secure. In 2021 the ACSRP paid out $296,000 for over 220 valid and unique security reports.  

We would like to give a special shoutout to some of our top researchers whose continued hard work keeps Android safe and secure:

  • Aman Pandey of Bugsmirror Team has skyrocketed to our top researcher last year, submitting 232 vulnerabilities in 2021! Since submitting their first report in 2019, Aman has reported over 280 valid vulnerabilities to the Android VRP and has been a crucial part of making our program so successful.

  • Yu-Cheng Lin (林禹成) (@AndroBugs) has been another phenomenal researcher for the Android VRP, submitting a whopping 128 valid reports to the program in 2021. 

  • Researcher gzobqq@gmail.com discovered a critical exploit chain in Android (CVE-2021-39698) , receiving the highest payout in Android VRP history of $157,000. 


This year the Chrome VRP also set some new records – 115 Chrome VRP researchers were rewarded for 333 unique Chrome security bug reports submitted in 2021, totaling $3.3 million in VRP rewards. The contributions not only help us to improve Chrome, but also the web at large by bolstering the security of all browsers based on Chromium.

Of the $3.3 million, $3.1 million was awarded for Chrome Browser security bugs and $250,500 for Chrome OS bugs, including a $45,000 top reward amount for an individual Chrome OS security bug report and $27,000 for an individual Chrome Browser security bug report.

Of these totals, $58,000 was awarded for security issues discovered by fuzzers contributed by VRP researchers to the Chrome Fuzzing program. Each valid report from an externally provided fuzzer received a $1,000 patch bonus, with one fuzzer report receiving a $16,000 reward.

The Chrome VRP would not be able to smash these records over the last year without the efforts of so many exceptional VRP researchers. We’d like to highlight a few researcher achievements made in 2021:

  • Rory McNamara, a Chrome OS VRP researcher who has been participating in the Chrome VRP for five years, became the highest awarded Chrome VRP researcher of all time. This year he was rewarded for six reports achieving root privilege escalation in Chrome OS, one of which received the highest reward amount achieved for a single Chrome bug report in 2021 at $45,000. 

  • Chrome Browser VRP researcher Leecraso (@leecraso) of 360 Vulnerability Research Institute was the most awarded researcher of 2021, with 18 valid bug reports; a majority of which were for memory corruption vulnerabilities affecting the browser process.


  • We love when researchers write about their findings (only after we have publicly disclosed the bug, of course)! Chrome Browser VRP researcher Brendon Tiszka wrote an excellent two-part blog series on his discovery and exploitation of a V8 vulnerability, CVE-2021-21225, the analysis and reporting of which earned him a $22,000 VRP reward.

Huge thanks and congratulations to all Chrome VRP researchers that helped us make Chrome and Chrome OS more safe for all users in 2021!.

Google Play

Google Play paid out $550,000 in rewards to over 60 unique security researchers.

The Google Play Security Reward Program also released their Android App Hacking Workshop content and published a blog on their work to empower the next generation of Android Application Security Researchers. 


In November we expanded our reward amounts for exploits against our kCTF cluster from 5,000-10,000 up to 31,337-50,337 USD. In the last 3 months we were happy to have several participants receive $175,685 USD in rewards. We also extended the timeline of the increased rewards until February 14 (from January 31) which should give everyone a couple more weeks to finalize any almost-working exploits.


To encourage security researchers to focus on Google Cloud Platform, we initiated the annual GCP VRP Prize in 2019. In March this year, we announced the winners of the 2020 edition of the prize and paid out $313,337 in prizes. Ezequiel Pereira won the top prize of $133,337 for finding an RCE in Google Cloud Deployment Manager. We saw some amazing research on Google Cloud Platform this year too. Stay tuned for the 2021 winners!

Research Grants

Six years ago, the Google VRP launched an experimental Vulnerability Research Grant program to encourage seasoned security researchers to take a detailed and extensive look into the security of Google products and services. And reward them even if there are no vulnerabilities found. Six years later, we are happy to announce that in 2021 we awarded over $200,000 in grants to more than 120 security researchers around the world. 

If you are a Google VRP researcher and want to be considered for a Vulnerability Research Grant make sure you opted in on your bughunters profile.

Looking forward

With the launch of the new Bug Hunters portal, we plan to continue improving our platform and listening to you – our researchers – on ways we can improve our platform and Bug Hunter University. 

Thank you again for making Google, the Internet, and our users safe and secure! Follow us on @GoogleVRP

Thank you to Adam Bacchus, Dirk Göhmann, Sarah Jacobus, Amy Ressler, Martin Straka, Jan Keller, Jon Bottarini

Free photos of Computer

The number of internet-connected devices in homes has been growing. It’s increased exponentially over the last decade. A typical home now has 10.37 devices connected to the internet. PCs and mobile devices make up a little over half of those and the rest are IoT devices.

IoT stands for Internet of Things. It means any other type of “smart device” that connects online. IoT devices in a home can be everything from your streaming stick to your smart refrigerator. Smart baby monitors and Alexa voice assistants are also IoT.

There’s also been another change that has happened over the last couple of years. It has been the increase in remote and hybrid work. The pandemic caused a major shift in where we work, turning the standard office paradigm on its head.

Now, working remotely has become the norm for many companies around the world. This has put increased scrutiny on the security of all those IoT devices. They are now sharing a Wi-Fi network with business data and devices.

Here are two alarming statistics that illustrate the issue with IoT security:

  • During the first six months of 2021, the number of IoT cyberattacks was up by 135% over the prior year.
  • It’s estimated that over 25% of cyberattacks against businesses involve IoT devices

Hackers Use IoT Devices to Get to Computers & Smartphones

Smart devices are a risk to any other device on a network. They are typically easier to breach. So, hackers will use them as a gateway into more sensitive devices.

A criminal may not care about the shopping list stored in your smart refrigerator. But they’ll breach that IoT device to see what other devices are on the same network.

The hacker can then use sharing and permissions that are often present on home networks. Through these, they gain access to your work computer or mobile device. These devices hold important data, and access to personal details.

Why are IoT devices less secure than computers and smartphones? Here are a few reasons:

  • They usually won’t have antivirus or anti-malware capabilities
  • Users often don’t update IoT devices regularly
  • They have basic interfaces which can hide a breach of the device
  • People often don’t change the default device username and password.
  • Sharing settings on IoT devices makes them easier to hack

Improve Security by Putting IoT on a Separate Wi-Fi Network

Just about all modern routers will have the ability to set up a second Wi-Fi network, called a “guest network.” This shows up when you connect to Wi-Fi as a separate Wi-Fi that a device can use to get online.

Separate Wi-Fi

By putting all your IoT devices on a separate network you improve security. You cut that bridge that hackers use to go from an IoT device to another device on the same network. Such as those that hold sensitive information (computers and mobile devices).

In fact, when you separate those two (IoT devices and sensitive-info devices) a hacker can’t see all. If they breach one of your smart devices, they can’t tell you have a PC or smartphone. This is because they’re on the other network.

This is an important layer of security to use. Whether you’re a remote worker or use your computer for home budgeting and banking, it can help. All PCs and smartphones usually contain access to online banking or personal information.

Here are the steps to take to separate your IoT devices. (Note, you can also have this done by us, we’ll be happy to handle all these steps for you.)

  • Step 1: Log into your router settings.
  • Step 2: Look for an area that allows you to set up a guest network. This will be different for each router, so you may need to access a help guide online.
  • Step 3: Set up the guest network according to the router prompts. Make sure to use a strong password.
  • Step 4: Edit the password for your existing network. This keeps IoT devices from automatically reconnecting to it.
  • Step 5: Connect all IoT devices in your home to the new guest network.
  • Step 6: Reconnect your sensitive devices (computers, smartphones) to the preexisting network. Use the new password.

As you add any new devices to your home network, make sure to connect them to the appropriate network. This keeps the layer of security effective.

One more tip: When naming your Wi-Fi networks, don’t use descriptive names. This includes things like “IoT network” or your name, address, or router model name.

It’s best to use names that won’t give the hackers valuable information they can use in attacks.

Need Help Upgrading Your Home Cybersecurity?

With so many remote workers, hackers have begun targeting home networks. They know they can contain sensitive business as well as personal data. Don’t leave yourself open to a breach. Schedule a home internet security review today!

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This Article has been Republished with Permission from The Technology Press.