A trip into the dark corners of Telegram, which has become a magnet for criminals peddling everything from illegal drugs to fake money and COVID-19 vaccine passes

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A view of the T3 2021 threat landscape as seen by ESET telemetry and from the perspective of ESET threat detection and research experts

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No more turning a blind eye to algorithmic bias and discrimination if US lawmakers get their way

The post US: Your AI has to explain its decisions appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

What to know before scanning a QR code – Has your phone been hacked? – Watch your back and keep shoulder surfers at bay

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QR codes are all the rage and scammers have taken notice. Look out for dangers lurking behind those little black-and-white squares.

The post Think before you scan: How fraudsters can exploit QR codes to steal money appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Some fraudsters may use low-tech tactics to steal your sensitive information – peering over your shoulder as you enter that data is one of them

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Think your smartphone has been compromised by malware? Here’s how to spot the signs of a hacked phone and how to remove the hacker from your phone.

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ESET Research uncovers DazzleSpy malware attacks targeting macOS users – Trading personal data for free online services – PayPal hacking made easy

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The trade-off between using a free service and giving up our personal data becomes much less palatable when we think about the wider ramifications of the collection and use of our personal data

The post Beyond the tick box: What to consider before agreeing to a privacy policy appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Should you beware of wearables? Here’s what you should know about the potential security and privacy risks of your smartwatch or fitness tracker.

The post Every breath you take, every move you make: Do fitness trackers pose privacy risks? appeared first on WeLiveSecurity