Correctness of code in the Android platform is a top priority for the security, stability, and quality of each Android release. Memory safety bugs in C and C++ continue to be the most-difficult-to-address source of incorrectness. We invest a great deal of effort and resources into detecting, fixing, and mitigating this class of bugs, and these efforts are effective in preventing a large number of bugs from making it into Android releases. Yet in spite of these efforts, memory safety bugs continue to be a top contributor of stability issues, and consistently represent ~70% of Android’s high severity security vulnerabilities.

In addition to ongoing and upcoming efforts to improve detection of memory bugs, we are ramping up efforts to prevent them in the first place. Memory-safe languages are the most cost-effective means for preventing memory bugs. In addition to memory-safe languages like Kotlin and Java, we’re excited to announce that the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) now supports the Rust programming language for developing the OS itself.

Systems programming

Managed languages like Java and Kotlin are the best option for Android app development. These languages are designed for ease of use, portability, and safety. The Android Runtime (ART) manages memory on behalf of the developer. The Android OS uses Java extensively, effectively protecting large portions of the Android platform from memory bugs. Unfortunately, for the lower layers of the OS, Java and Kotlin are not an option.

Lower levels of the OS require systems programming languages like C, C++, and Rust. These languages are designed with control and predictability as goals. They provide access to low level system resources and hardware. They are light on resources and have more predictable performance characteristics.

For C and C++, the developer is responsible for managing memory lifetime. Unfortunately, it’s easy to make mistakes when doing this, especially in complex and multithreaded codebases.

Rust provides memory safety guarantees by using a combination of compile-time checks to enforce object lifetime/ownership and runtime checks to ensure that memory accesses are valid. This safety is achieved while providing equivalent performance to C and C++.

The limits of sandboxing

C and C++ languages don’t provide these same safety guarantees and require robust isolation. All Android processes are sandboxed and we follow the Rule of 2 to decide if functionality necessitates additional isolation and deprivileging. The Rule of 2 is simple: given three options, developers may only select two of the following three options.

For Android, this means that if code is written in C/C++ and parses untrustworthy input, it should be contained within a tightly constrained and unprivileged sandbox. While adherence to the Rule of 2 has been effective in reducing the severity and reachability of security vulnerabilities, it does come with limitations. Sandboxing is expensive: the new processes it requires consume additional overhead and introduce latency due to IPC and additional memory usage. Sandboxing doesn’t eliminate vulnerabilities from the code and its efficacy is reduced by high bug density, allowing attackers to chain multiple vulnerabilities together.

Memory-safe languages like Rust help us overcome these limitations in two ways:

  1. Lowers the density of bugs within our code, which increases the effectiveness of our current sandboxing.
  2. Reduces our sandboxing needs, allowing introduction of new features that are both safer and lighter on resources.

But what about all that existing C++?

Of course, introducing a new programming language does nothing to address bugs in our existing C/C++ code. Even if we redirected the efforts of every software engineer on the Android team, rewriting tens of millions of lines of code is simply not feasible.

The above analysis of the age of memory safety bugs in Android (measured from when they were first introduced) demonstrates why our memory-safe language efforts are best focused on new development and not on rewriting mature C/C++ code. Most of our memory bugs occur in new or recently modified code, with about 50% being less than a year old.

The comparative rarity of older memory bugs may come as a surprise to some, but we’ve found that old code is not where we most urgently need improvement. Software bugs are found and fixed over time, so we would expect the number of bugs in code that is being maintained but not actively developed to go down over time. Just as reducing the number and density of bugs improves the effectiveness of sandboxing, it also improves the effectiveness of bug detection.

Limitations of detection

Bug detection via robust testing, sanitization, and fuzzing is crucial for improving the quality and correctness of all software, including software written in Rust. A key limitation for the most effective memory safety detection techniques is that the erroneous state must actually be triggered in instrumented code in order to be detected. Even in code bases with excellent test/fuzz coverage, this results in a lot of bugs going undetected.

Another limitation is that bug detection is scaling faster than bug fixing. In some projects, bugs that are being detected are not always getting fixed. Bug fixing is a long and costly process.

Each of these steps is costly, and missing any one of them can result in the bug going unpatched for some or all users. For complex C/C++ code bases, often there are only a handful of people capable of developing and reviewing the fix, and even with a high amount of effort spent on fixing bugs, sometimes the fixes are incorrect.

Bug detection is most effective when bugs are relatively rare and dangerous bugs can be given the urgency and priority that they merit. Our ability to reap the benefits of improvements in bug detection require that we prioritize preventing the introduction of new bugs.

Prioritizing prevention

Rust modernizes a range of other language aspects, which results in improved correctness of code:

  • Memory safety – enforces memory safety through a combination of compiler and run-time checks.
  • Data concurrency – prevents data races. The ease with which this allows users to write efficient, thread-safe code has given rise to Rust’s Fearless Concurrency slogan.
  • More expressive type system – helps prevent logical programming bugs (e.g. newtype wrappers, enum variants with contents).
  • References and variables are immutable by default – assist the developer in following the security principle of least privilege, marking a reference or variable mutable only when they actually intend it to be so. While C++ has const, it tends to be used infrequently and inconsistently. In comparison, the Rust compiler assists in avoiding stray mutability annotations by offering warnings for mutable values which are never mutated.
  • Better error handling in standard libraries – wrap potentially failing calls in Result, which causes the compiler to require that users check for failures even for functions which do not return a needed value. This protects against bugs like the Rage Against the Cage vulnerability which resulted from an unhandled error. By making it easy to propagate errors via the ? operator and optimizing Result for low overhead, Rust encourages users to write their fallible functions in the same style and receive the same protection.
  • Initialization – requires that all variables be initialized before use. Uninitialized memory vulnerabilities have historically been the root cause of 3-5% of security vulnerabilities on Android. In Android 11, we started auto initializing memory in C/C++ to reduce this problem. However, initializing to zero is not always safe, particularly for things like return values, where this could become a new source of faulty error handling. Rust requires every variable be initialized to a legal member of its type before use, avoiding the issue of unintentionally initializing to an unsafe value. Similar to Clang for C/C++, the Rust compiler is aware of the initialization requirement, and avoids any potential performance overhead of double initialization.
  • Safer integer handling – Overflow sanitization is on for Rust debug builds by default, encouraging programmers to specify a wrapping_add if they truly intend a calculation to overflow or saturating_add if they don’t. We intend to enable overflow sanitization for all builds in Android. Further, all integer type conversions are explicit casts: developers can not accidentally cast during a function call when assigning to a variable or when attempting to do arithmetic with other types.

Where we go from here

Adding a new language to the Android platform is a large undertaking. There are toolchains and dependencies that need to be maintained, test infrastructure and tooling that must be updated, and developers that need to be trained. For the past 18 months we have been adding Rust support to the Android Open Source Project, and we have a few early adopter projects that we will be sharing in the coming months. Scaling this to more of the OS is a multi-year project. Stay tuned, we will be posting more updates on this blog.

Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Thanks Matthew Maurer, Bram Bonne, and Lars Bergstrom for contributions to this post. Special thanks to our colleagues, Adrian Taylor for his insight into the age of memory vulnerabilities, and to Chris Palmer for his work on “The Rule of 2” and “The limits of Sandboxing”.

Google Keyboard (a.k.a Gboard) has a critical mission to provide frictionless input on Android to empower users to communicate accurately and express themselves effortlessly. In order to accomplish this mission, Gboard must also protect users’ private and sensitive data. Nothing users type is sent to Google servers. We recently launched privacy-preserving input by further advancing the latest federated technologies. In Android 11, Gboard also launched the contextual input suggestion experience by integrating on-device smarts into the user’s daily communication in a privacy-preserving way.

Before Android 11, input suggestions were surfaced to users in several different places. In Android 11, Gboard launched a consistent and coordinated approach to access contextual input suggestions. For the first time, we’ve brought Smart Replies to the keyboard suggestions – powered by system intelligence running entirely on device. The smart input suggestions are rendered with a transparent layer on top of Gboard’s suggestion strip. This structure maintains the trust boundaries between the Android platform and Gboard, meaning sensitive personal content cannot be not accessed by Gboard. The suggestions are only sent to the app after the user taps to accept them.

For instance, when a user receives the message “Have a virtual coffee at 5pm?” in Whatsapp, on-device system intelligence predicts smart text and emoji replies “Sounds great!” and “👍”. Android system intelligence can see the incoming message but Gboard cannot. In Android 11, these Smart Replies are rendered by the Android platform on Gboard’s suggestion strip as a transparent layer. The suggested reply is generated by the system intelligence. When the user taps the suggestion, Android platform sends it to the input field directly. If the user doesn’t tap the suggestion, gBoard and the app cannot see it. In this way, Android and Gboard surface the best of Google smarts whilst keeping users’ data private: none of their data goes to any app, including the keyboard, unless they’ve tapped a suggestion.

Additionally, federated learning has enabled Gboard to train intelligent input models across many devices while keeping everything individual users type on their device. Today, the emoji is as common as punctuation – and have become the way for our users to express themselves in messaging. Our users want a way to have fresh and diversified emojis to better express their thoughts in messaging apps. Recently, we launched new on-device transformer models that are fine-tuned with federated learning in Gboard, to produce more contextual emoji predictions for English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Furthermore, following the success of privacy-preserving machine learning techniques, Gboard continues to leverage federated analytics to understand how Gboard is used from decentralized data. What we’ve learned from privacy-preserving analysis has let us make better decisions in our product.

When a user shares an emoji in a conversation, their phone keeps an ongoing count of which emojis are used. Later, when the phone is idle, plugged in, and connected to WiFi, Google’s federated analytics server invites the device to join a “round” of federated analytics data computation with hundreds of other participating phones. Every device involved in one round will compute the emoji share frequency, encrypt the result and send it a federated analytics server. Although the server can’t decrypt the data individually, the final tally of total emoji counts can be decrypted when combining encrypted data across devices. The aggregated data shows that the most popular emoji is 😂 in Whatsapp, 😭 in Roblox(gaming), and ✔ in Google Docs. Emoji 😷 moved up from 119th to 42nd in terms of frequency during COVID-19.

Gboard always has a strong commitment to Google’s Privacy Principles. Gboard strives to build privacy-preserving effortless input products for users to freely express their thoughts in 900+ languages while safeguarding user data. We will keep pushing the state of the art in smart input technologies on Android while safeguarding user data. Stay tuned!

Posted by Kylie McRoberts, Program Manager and Alec Guertin, Security Engineer

Android graphic

Google’s Android Security & Privacy team has launched the Android Partner Vulnerability Initiative (APVI) to manage security issues specific to Android OEMs. The APVI is designed to drive remediation and provide transparency to users about issues we have discovered at Google that affect device models shipped by Android partners.

Another layer of security

Android incorporates industry-leading security features and every day we work with developers and device implementers to keep the Android platform and ecosystem safe. As part of that effort, we have a range of existing programs to enable security researchers to report security issues they have found. For example, you can report vulnerabilities in Android code via the Android Security Rewards Program (ASR), and vulnerabilities in popular third-party Android apps through the Google Play Security Rewards Program. Google releases ASR reports in Android Open Source Project (AOSP) based code through the Android Security Bulletins (ASB). These reports are issues that could impact all Android based devices. All Android partners must adopt ASB changes in order to declare the current month’s Android security patch level (SPL). But until recently, we didn’t have a clear way to process Google-discovered security issues outside of AOSP code that are unique to a much smaller set of specific Android OEMs. The APVI aims to close this gap, adding another layer of security for this targeted set of Android OEMs.

Improving Android OEM device security

The APVI covers Google-discovered issues that could potentially affect the security posture of an Android device or its user and is aligned to ISO/IEC 29147:2018 Information technology — Security techniques — Vulnerability disclosure recommendations. The initiative covers a wide range of issues impacting device code that is not serviced or maintained by Google (these are handled by the Android Security Bulletins).

Protecting Android users

The APVI has already processed a number of security issues, improving user protection against permissions bypasses, execution of code in the kernel, credential leaks and generation of unencrypted backups. Below are a few examples of what we’ve found, the impact and OEM remediation efforts.

Permission Bypass

In some versions of a third-party pre-installed over-the-air (OTA) update solution, a custom system service in the Android framework exposed privileged APIs directly to the OTA app. The service ran as the system user and did not require any permissions to access, instead checking for knowledge of a hardcoded password. The operations available varied across versions, but always allowed access to sensitive APIs, such as silently installing/uninstalling APKs, enabling/disabling apps and granting app permissions. This service appeared in the code base for many device builds across many OEMs, however it wasn’t always registered or exposed to apps. We’ve worked with impacted OEMs to make them aware of this security issue and provided guidance on how to remove or disable the affected code.

Credential Leak

A popular web browser pre-installed on many devices included a built-in password manager for sites visited by the user. The interface for this feature was exposed to WebView through JavaScript loaded in the context of each web page. A malicious site could have accessed the full contents of the user’s credential store. The credentials are encrypted at rest, but used a weak algorithm (DES) and a known, hardcoded key. This issue was reported to the developer and updates for the app were issued to users.

Overly-Privileged Apps

The checkUidPermission method in the PackageManagerService class was modified in the framework code for some devices to allow special permissions access to some apps. In one version, the method granted apps with the shared user ID any permission they requested and apps signed with the same key as the package any permission in their manifest. Another version of the modification allowed apps matching a list of package names and signatures to pass runtime permission checks even if the permission was not in their manifest. These issues have been fixed by the OEMs.

More information

Keep an eye out at for future disclosures of Google-discovered security issues under this program, or find more information there on issues that have already been disclosed.

Acknowledgements: Scott Roberts, Shailesh Saini and Łukasz Siewierski, Android Security and Privacy Team

[Cross-posted from the Android Developers Blog]

As phones become faster and smarter, they play increasingly important roles in our lives, functioning as our extended memory, our connection to the world at large, and often the primary interface for communication with friends, family, and wider communities. It is only natural that as part of this evolution, we’ve come to entrust our phones with our most private information, and in many ways treat them as extensions of our digital and physical identities.

This trust is paramount to the Android Security team. The team focuses on ensuring that Android devices respect the privacy and sensitivity of user data. A fundamental aspect of this work centers around the lockscreen, which acts as the proverbial front door to our devices. After all, the lockscreen ensures that only the intended user(s) of a device can access their private data.

This blog post outlines recent improvements around how users interact with the lockscreen on Android devices and more generally with authentication. In particular, we focus on two categories of authentication that present both immense potential as well as potentially immense risk if not designed well: biometrics and environmental modalities.

The tiered authentication model

Before getting into the details of lockscreen and authentication improvements, we first want to establish some context to help relate these improvements to each other. A good way to envision these changes is to fit them into the framework of the tiered authentication model, a conceptual classification of all the different authentication modalities on Android, how they relate to each other, and how they are constrained based on this classification.

The model itself is fairly simple, classifying authentication modalities into three buckets of decreasing levels of security and commensurately increasing constraints. The primary tier is the least constrained in the sense that users only need to re-enter a primary modality under certain situations (for example, after each boot or every 72 hours) in order to use its capability. The secondary and tertiary tiers are more constrained because they cannot be set up and used without having a primary modality enrolled first and they have more constraints further restricting their capabilities.

  1. Primary Tier – Knowledge Factor: The first tier consists of modalities that rely on knowledge factors, or something the user knows, for example, a PIN, pattern, or password. Good high-entropy knowledge factors, such as complex passwords that are hard to guess, offer the highest potential guarantee of identity.

    Knowledge factors are especially useful on Android becauses devices offer hardware backed brute-force protection with exponential-backoff, meaning Android devices prevent attackers from repeatedly guessing a PIN, pattern, or password by having hardware backed timeouts after every 5 incorrect attempts. Knowledge factors also confer additional benefits to all users that use them, such as File Based Encryption (FBE) and encrypted device backup.

  1. Secondary Tier – Biometrics: The second tier consists primarily of biometrics, or something the user is. Face or fingerprint based authentications are examples of secondary authentication modalities. Biometrics offer a more convenient but potentially less secure way of confirming your identity with a device.

We will delve into Android biometrics in the next section.

  1. The Tertiary Tier – Environmental: The last tier includes modalities that rely on something the user has. This could either be a physical token, such as with Smart Lock’s Trusted Devices where a phone can be unlocked when paired with a safelisted bluetooth device. Or it could be something inherent to the physical environment around the device, such as with Smart Lock’s Trusted Places where a phone can be unlocked when it is taken to a safelisted location.

    Improvements to tertiary authentication

    While both Trusted Places and Trusted Devices (and tertiary modalities in general) offer convenient ways to get access to the contents of your device, the fundamental issue they share is that they are ultimately a poor proxy for user identity. For example, an attacker could unlock a misplaced phone that uses Trusted Place simply by driving it past the user’s home, or with moderate amount of effort, spoofing a GPS signal using off-the-shelf Software Defined Radios and some mild scripting. Similarly with Trusted Device, access to a safelisted bluetooth device also gives access to all data on the user’s phone.

    Because of this, a major improvement has been made to the environmental tier in Android 10. The Tertiary tier was switched from an active unlock mechanism into an extending unlock mechanism instead. In this new mode, a tertiary tier modality can no longer unlock a locked device. Instead, if the device is first unlocked using either a primary or secondary modality, it can continue to keep it in the unlocked state for a maximum of four hours.

A closer look at Android biometrics

Biometric implementations come with a wide variety of security characteristics, so we rely on the following two key factors to determine the security of a particular implementation:

  1. Architectural security: The resilience of a biometric pipeline against kernel or platform compromise. A pipeline is considered secure if kernel and platform compromises don’t grant the ability to either read raw biometric data, or inject synthetic data into the pipeline to influence an authentication decision.
  2. Spoofability: Is measured using the Spoof Acceptance Rate (SAR). SAR is a metric first introduced in Android P, and is intended to measure how resilient a biometric is against a dedicated attacker. Read more about SAR and its measurement in Measuring Biometric Unlock Security.

We use these two factors to classify biometrics into one of three different classes in decreasing order of security:

  • Class 3 (formerly Strong)
  • Class 2 (formerly Weak)
  • Class 1 (formerly Convenience)

Each class comes with an associated set of constraints that aim to balance their ease of use with the level of security they offer.

These constraints reflect the length of time before a biometric falls back to primary authentication, and the allowed application integration. For example, a Class 3 biometric enjoys the longest timeouts and offers all integration options for apps, while a Class 1 biometric has the shortest timeouts and no options for app integration. You can see a summary of the details in the table below, or the full details in the Android Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD).

1 App integration means exposing an API to apps (e.g., via integration with BiometricPrompt/BiometricManager, androidx.biometric, or FIDO2 APIs)

2 Keystore integration means integrating Keystore, e.g., to release app auth-bound keys

Benefits and caveats

Biometrics provide convenience to users while maintaining a high level of security. Because users need to set up a primary authentication modality in order to use biometrics, it helps boost the lockscreen adoption (we see an average of 20% higher lockscreen adoption on devices that offer biometrics versus those that do not). This allows more users to benefit from the security features that the lockscreen provides: gates unauthorized access to sensitive user data and also confers other advantages of a primary authentication modality to these users, such as encrypted backups. Finally, biometrics also help reduce shoulder surfing attacks in which an attacker tries to reproduce a PIN, pattern, or password after observing a user entering the credential.

However, it is important that users understand the trade-offs involved with the use of biometrics. Primary among these is that no biometric system is foolproof. This is true not just on Android, but across all operating systems, form-factors, and technologies. For example, a face biometric implementation might be fooled by family members who resemble the user or a 3D mask of the user. A fingerprint biometric implementation could potentially be bypassed by a spoof made from latent fingerprints of the user. Although anti-spoofing or Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) technologies have been actively developed to mitigate such spoofing attacks, they are mitigations, not preventions.

One effort that Android has made to mitigate the potential risk of using biometrics is the lockdown mode introduced in Android P. Android users can use this feature to temporarily disable biometrics, together with Smart Lock (for example, Trusted Places and Trusted Devices) as well as notifications on the lock screen, when they feel the need to do so.

To use the lockdown mode, users first need to set up a primary authentication modality and then enable it in settings. The exact setting where the lockdown mode can be enabled varies by device models, and on a Google Pixel 4 device it is under Settings > Display > Lock screen > Show lockdown option. Once enabled, users can trigger the lockdown mode by holding the power button and then clicking the Lockdown icon on the power menu. A device in lockdown mode will return to the non-lockdown state after a primary authentication modality (such as a PIN, pattern, or password) is used to unlock the device.

BiometricPrompt – New APIs

In order for developers to benefit from the security guarantee provided by Android biometrics and to easily integrate biometric authentication into their apps to better protect sensitive user data, we introduced the BiometricPrompt APIs in Android P.

There are several benefits of using the BiometricPrompt APIs. Most importantly, these APIs allow app developers to target biometrics in a modality-agnostic way across different Android devices (that is, BiometricPrompt can be used as a single integration point for various biometric modalities supported on devices), while controlling the security guarantees that the authentication needs to provide (such as requiring Class 3 or Class 2 biometrics, with device credential as a fallback). In this way, it helps protect app data with a second layer of defenses (in addition to the lockscreen) and in turn respects the sensitivity of user data. Furthermore, BiometricPrompt provides a persistent UI with customization options for certain information (for example, title and description), offering a consistent user experience across biometric modalities and across Android devices.

As shown in the following architecture diagram, apps can integrate with biometrics on Android devices through either the framework API or the support library (that is, androidx.biometric for backward compatibility). One thing to note is that FingerprintManager is deprecated because developers are encouraged to migrate to BiometricPrompt for modality-agnostic authentications.

Improvements to BiometricPrompt

Android 10 introduced the BiometricManager class that developers can use to query the availability of biometric authentication and included fingerprint and face authentication integration for BiometricPrompt.

In Android 11, we introduce new features such as the BiometricManager.Authenticators interface which allows developers to specify the authentication types accepted by their apps, as well as additional support for auth-per-use keys within the BiometricPrompt class.

More details can be found in the Android 11 preview and Android Biometrics documentation. Read more about BiometricPrompt API usage in our blog post Using BiometricPrompt with CryptoObject: How and Why and our codelab Login with Biometrics on Android.

Trust is very important when it comes to the relationship between a user and their smartphone. While phone functionality and design can enhance the user experience, security is fundamental and foundational to our relationship with our phones.There are multiple ways to build trust around the security capabilities that a device provides and we continue to invest in verifiable ways to do just that.

Pixel 4a ioXt certification

Today we are happy to announce that the Pixel 4/4 XL and the newly launched Pixel 4a are the first Android smartphones to go through ioXt certification against the Android Profile.

The Internet of Secure Things Alliance (ioXt) manages a security compliance assessment program for connected devices. ioXt has over 200 members across various industries, including Google, Amazon, Facebook, T-Mobile, Comcast, Zigbee Alliance, Z-Wave Alliance, Legrand, Resideo, Schneider Electric, and many others. With so many companies involved, ioXt covers a wide range of device types, including smart lighting, smart speakers, webcams, and Android smartphones.

The core focus of ioXt is “to set security standards that bring security, upgradability and transparency to the market and directly into the hands of consumers.” This is accomplished by assessing devices against a baseline set of requirements and relying on publicly available evidence. The goal of ioXt’s approach is to enable users, enterprises, regulators, and other stakeholders to understand the security in connected products to drive better awareness towards how these products are protecting the security and privacy of users.

ioXt’s baseline security requirements are tailored for product classes, and the ioXt Android Profile enables smartphone manufacturers to differentiate security capabilities, including biometric authentication strength, security update frequency, length of security support lifetime commitment, vulnerability disclosure program quality, and preloaded app risk minimization.

We believe that using a widely known industry consortium standard for Pixel certification provides increased trust in the security claims we make to our users. NCC Group has published an audit report that can be downloaded here. The report documents the evaluation of Pixel 4/4 XL and Pixel 4a against the ioXt Android Profile.

Security by Default is one of the most important criteria used in the ioXt Android profile. Security by Default rates devices by cumulatively scoring the risk for all preloads on a particular device. For this particular measurement, we worked with a team of university experts from the University of Cambridge, University of Strathclyde, and Johannes Kepler University in Linz to create a formula that considers the risk of platform signed apps, pregranted permissions on preloaded apps, and apps communicating using cleartext traffic.

Screenshot of the presentation of the Android Device Security Database at the Android Security Symposium 2020

In partnership with those teams, Google created Uraniborg, an open source tool that collects necessary attributes from the device and runs it through this formula to come up with a raw score. NCC Group leveraged Uraniborg to conduct the assessment for the ioXt Security by Default category.

As part of our ongoing certification efforts, we look forward to submitting future Pixel smartphones through the ioXt standard, and we encourage the Android device ecosystem to participate in similar transparency efforts for their devices.

Acknowledgements: This post leveraged contributions from Sudhi Herle, Billy Lau and Sam Schumacher

Through 2019, Google Play Protect continued to improve the security for 2.5 billion Android devices. Built into Android, Play Protect scans over 100 billion apps every day for malware and other harmful apps. This past year, Play Protect prevented over 1.9 billion malware installs from unknown sources. Throughout 2019 there were many improvements made to Play Protect to bring the best of Google to Android devices to keep users safe. Some of the new features launched in 2019 include:
Advanced similarity detection
Play Protect now warns you about variations of known malware right on the device. On-device protections warn users about Potentially Harmful Apps (PHAs) at install time for a faster response. Since October 2019, Play Protect issued 380,000 warnings for install attempts using this system.
Warnings for apps targeting lower Android versions
Malware developers intentionally target devices running long outdated versions of Android to abuse exploits that have recently been patched. In 2018, Google Play started requiring new apps and app updates be built for new versions of the Android OS. This strategy ensures that users downloading apps from Google Play recieve apps that take advantage of the latest privacy and security improvements in the OS.
In 2019, we improved on this strategy with warnings to the user. Play Protect now notifies users when they install an app that is designed for outdated versions. The user can then make an informed decision to proceed with the installation or stop the app from being installed so they can look for an alternative that target the most current version of Android.

Uploading rare apps for scanning
The Android app ecosystem is growing at an exponential rate. Millions of new app versions are created and shared outside of Google Play daily posing a unique scaling challenge. Knowledge of new and rare apps is essential to provide the best protection possible.
We added a new feature that lets users help the fight against malware by sending apps Play Protect hasn’t seen before for scanning during installation. The upload to Google’s scanning services preserves the privacy of the user and enables Play Protect to improve the protection for all users.

Integration with Google’s Files app
Google’s Files app is used by hundreds of millions of people every month to manage the storage on their device, share files safely, and clean up clutter and duplicate files. This year, we integrated Google Play Protect notifications within the app so that users are prompted to scan and remove any harmful applications that may be installed.

Play Protect visual updates
The Google Play Store has over 2 billion monthly active users coming to safely find the right app, game, and other digital content. This year the team was excited to roll out a complete visual redesign. With this change, Play Protect made several user-facing updates to deliver a cleaner, more prominent experience including a reminder to enable app-scanning in My apps & games to improve security.

The mobile threat landscape is always changing and so Google Play Protect must keep adapting and improving to protect our users. Visit to stay informed on all the new exciting features and improvements being added to Google Play Protect.
Acknowledgements: Aaron Josephs, Ben Gruver, James Kelly, Rodrigo Farell, Wei Jin and William Luh

That’s for apps from third-party marketplaces; another 790,000 policy-breaking apps were stopped from reaching Google Play

The post Almost 2 billion malware installs thwarted by Google Play Protect in 2019 appeared first on WeLiveSecurity


Bread apps typically fall into two categories: SMS fraud (older versions) and toll fraud (newer versions). Both of these types of fraud take advantage of mobile billing techniques involving the user’s carrier.

SMS Billing

Carriers may partner with vendors to allow users to pay for services by SMS. The user simply needs to text a prescribed keyword to a prescribed number (shortcode). A charge is then added to the user’s bill with their mobile service provider.

Toll Billing

Carriers may also provide payment endpoints over a web page. The user visits the URL to complete the payment and enters their phone number. Verification that the request is coming from the user’s device is completed using two possible methods:

  1. The user connects to the site over mobile data, not WiFi (so the service provider directly handles the connection and can validate the phone number); or
  2. The user must retrieve a code sent to them via SMS and enter it into the web page (thereby proving access to the provided phone number).


Both of the billing methods detailed above provide device verification, but not user verification. The carrier can determine that the request originates from the user’s device, but does not require any interaction from the user that cannot be automated. Malware authors use injected clicks, custom HTML parsers and SMS receivers to automate the billing process without requiring any interaction from the user.


Bread apps have used many innovative and classic techniques to hide strings from analysis engines. Here are some highlights.

Standard Encryption

Frequently, Bread apps take advantage of standard crypto libraries in `java.util.crypto`. We have discovered apps using AES, Blowfish, and DES as well as combinations of these to encrypt their strings.

Custom Encryption

Other variants have used custom-implemented encryption algorithms. Some common techniques include: basic XOR encryption, nested XOR and custom key-derivation methods. Some variants have gone so far as to use a different key for the strings of each class.

Split Strings

Encrypted strings can be a signal that the code is trying to hide something. Bread has used a few tricks to keep strings in plaintext while preventing basic string matching.

String click_code = new StringBuilder().append(".cli").append("ck();");

Going one step further, these substrings are sometimes scattered throughout the code, retrieved from static variables and method calls. Various versions may also change the index of the split (e.g. “.clic” and “k();”).


Another technique to obfuscate unencrypted strings uses repeated delimiters. A short, constant string of characters is inserted at strategic points to break up keywords:

String js = "javm6voTascrm6voTipt:window.SDFGHWEGSG.catcm6voThPage(docm6voTument.getElemm6voTentsByTm6voTagName('html')[m6voT0].innerHTML);"

At runtime, the delimiter is removed before using the string:

js = js.replaceAll("m6voT", "");


SMS and toll fraud generally requires a few basic behaviors (for example, disabling WiFi or accessing SMS), which are accessible by a handful of APIs. Given that there are a limited number of behaviors required to identify billing fraud, Bread apps have had to try a wide variety of techniques to mask usage of these APIs.


Most methods for hiding API usage tend to use Java reflection in some way. In some samples, Bread has simply directly called the Reflect API on strings decrypted at runtime.

Class smsManagerClass = Class.forName(p.a().decrypt("wI7HmhUo0OYTnO2rFy3yxE2DFECD2I9reFnmPF3LuAc="));  // android.telephony.SmsManager
smsManagerClass.getMethod(p.a().decrypt("0oXNjC4kzLwqnPK9BiL4qw=="), // sendTextMessage
String.class, String.class, String.class, PendingIntent.class, PendingIntent.class).invoke(smsManagerClass.getMethod(p.a().decrypt("xoXXrB8n1b0LjYfIYUObrA==")).invoke(null), addr, null, message, null, null); // getDefault


Bread has also tested our ability to analyze native code. In one sample, no SMS-related code appears in the DEX file, but there is a native method registered.

 public static native void nativesend(String arg0, String arg1);

Two strings are passed into the call, the shortcode and keyword used for SMS billing (getter methods renamed here for clarity).

    JniManager.nativesend(this.get_shortcode(), this.get_keyword());

In the native library, it stores the strings to access the SMS API.

The nativesend method uses the Java Native Interface (JNI) to fetch and call the Android SMS API. The following is a screenshot from IDA with comments showing the strings and JNI functions.

WebView JavaScript Interface

Continuing on the theme of cross-language bridges, Bread has also tried out some obfuscation methods utilizing JavaScript in WebViews. The following method is declared in the DEX.

    public void method1(String p7, String p8, String p9, String p10, String p11) { 
Class v0_1 = Class.forName(p7);
Class[] v1_1 = new Class[0];
Object[] v3_1 = new Object[0];
Object v1_3 = v0_1.getMethod(p8, v1_1).invoke(0, v3_1);
Class[] v2_2 = new Class[5];
v2_2[0] = String.class;
v2_2[1] = String.class;
v2_2[2] = String.class;
v2_2[3] =;
v2_2[4] =;
reflect.Method v0_2 = v0_1.getMethod(p9, v2_2);
Object[] v2_4 = new Object[5];
v2_4[0] = p10;
v2_4[1] = 0;
v2_4[2] = p11;
v2_4[3] = 0;
v2_4[4] = 0;
v0_2.invoke(v1_3, v2_4);

Without context, this method does not reveal much about its intended behavior, and there are no calls made to it anywhere in the DEX. However, the app does create a WebView and registers a JavaScript interface to this class.

this.webView.addJavascriptInterface(this, "stub");

This gives JavaScript run in the WebView access to this method. The app loads a URL pointing to a Bread-controlled server. The response contains some basic HTML and JavaScript.

In green, we can see the references to the SMS API. In red, we see those values being passed into the suspicious Java method through the registered interface. Now, using these strings method1 can use reflection to call sendTextMessage and process the payment.


In addition to implementing custom obfuscation techniques, apps have used several commercially available packers including: Qihoo360, AliProtect and SecShell.
More recently, we have seen Bread-related apps trying to hide malicious code in a native library shipped with the APK. Earlier this year, we discovered apps hiding a JAR in the data section of an ELF file which it then dynamically loads using DexClassLoader.
The figure below shows a fragment of encrypted JAR stored in .rodata section of a shared object shipped with the APK as well as the XOR key used for decryption.

After we blocked those samples, they moved a significant portion of malicious functionality into the native library, which resulted in a rather peculiar back and forth between Dalvik and native code:


Dynamic Shortcodes & Content

Early versions of Bread utilized a basic command and control infrastructure to dynamically deliver content and retrieve billing details. In the example server response below, the green fields show text to be shown to the user. The red fields are used as the shortcode and keyword for SMS billing.

State Machines

Since various carriers implement the billing process differently, Bread has developed several variants containing generalized state machines implementing all possible steps. At runtime, the apps can check which carrier the device is connected to and fetch a configuration object from the command and control server. The configuration contains a list of steps to execute with URLs and JavaScript.

"trankUrl": ""
"params":"function jsFun(){document.getElementsByTagName('a')[1].click()};",

The steps implemented include:

  • Load a URL in a WebView
  • Run JavaScript in WebView
  • Toggle WiFi state
  • Toggle mobile data state
  • Read/modify SMS inbox
  • Solve captchas


One of the more interesting states implements the ability to solve basic captchas (obscured letters and numbers). First, the app creates a JavaScript function to call a Java method, getImageBase64, exposed to WebView using addJavascriptInterface.

The value used to replace GET_IMG_OBJECT comes from the JSON configuration.

"params": "document.getElementById('captcha')"

The app then uses JavaScript injection to create a new script in the carrier’s web page to run the new function.

The base64-encoded image is then uploaded to an image recognition service. If the text is retrieved successfully, the app uses JavaScript injection again to submit the HTML form with the captcha answer.


Client-side Carrier Checks

In our basic command & control example above, we didn’t address the (incorrectly labeled) “imei” field.

"button": "ยินดีต้อนรับ",
"code": 0,
"content": "F10",
"imei": "52003,52005,52000",
"rule": "Here are all the pictures you need, about
happiness, beauty, beauty, etc., with our most
sincere service, to provide you with the most
complete resources.",
"service": "4219245"

This contains the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) values that the billing process will work for. In this example, the server response contains several values for Thai carriers. The app checks if the device’s network matches one of those provided by the server. If it does, it will commence with the billing process. If the value does not match, the app skips the “disclosure” page and billing process and brings the user straight to the app content.
In some versions, the server would only return valid responses several days after the apps were submitted.

Server-side Carrier Checks

In the JavaScript bridge API obfuscation example covered above, the server supplied the app with the necessary strings to complete the billing process. However, analysts may not always see the indicators of compromise in the server’s response.
In this example, the requests to the server take the following form:


Here, the “operator” query parameter is the Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code . The server can use this information to determine if the user’s carrier is one of Bread’s targets. If not, the response is scrubbed of the strings used to complete the billing fraud.

<a onclick="Sub()">ไปเดี๋ยวนี้</a>
<div style="display:none">
<p id="deviceid">deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef</p>
<p id="cmobi"></p>
<p id="deni"></p>
<p id="ssm"></p>
<p id="shortcode"></p>
<p id="keyword"></p>


Bread apps sometimes display a pop-up to the user that implies some form of compliance or disclosure, showing terms and conditions or a confirm button. However, the actual text would often only display a basic welcome message.

Translation: “This app is a place to be and it will feel like a superhero with this new app. We hope you enjoy it!”
Other versions included all the pieces needed for a valid disclosure message.

When translated the disclosure reads:
“Apply Car Racing Clip \n Please enter your phone number for service details. \n Terms and Conditions \nFrom 9 Baht / day, you will receive 1 message / day. \nPlease stop the V4 printing service at 4739504 \n or call 02-697-9298 \n Monday – Friday at 8.30 – 5.30pm \n”
However, there are still two issues here:

  1. The numbers to contact for cancelling the subscription are not real
  2. The billing process commences even if you don’t hit the “Confirm” button

Even if the disclosure here displayed accurate information, the user would often find that the advertised functionality of the app did not match the actual content. Bread apps frequently contain no functionality beyond the billing process or simply clone content from other popular apps.


Bread has also leveraged an abuse tactic unique to app stores: versioning. Some apps have started with clean versions, in an attempt to grow user bases and build the developer accounts’ reputations. Only later is the malicious code introduced, through an update. Interestingly, early “clean” versions contain varying levels of signals that the updates will include malicious code later. Some are first uploaded with all the necessary code except the one line that actually initializes the billing process. Others may have the necessary permissions, but are missing the classes containing the fraud code. And others have all malicious content removed, except for log comments referencing the payment process. All of these methods attempt to space out the introduction of possible signals in various stages, testing for gaps in the publication process. However, GPP does not treat new apps and updates any differently from an analysis perspective.


When early versions of apps are first published, many five star reviews appear with comments like:

“very beautiful”
Later, 1 star reviews from real users start appearing with comments like:
“The app is not honest …”


Sheer volume appears to be the preferred approach for Bread developers. At different times, we have seen three or more active variants using different approaches or targeting different carriers. Within each variant, the malicious code present in each sample may look nearly identical with only one evasion technique changed. Sample 1 may use AES-encrypted strings with reflection, while Sample 2 (submitted on the same day) will use the same code but with plaintext strings.
At peak times of activity, we have seen up to 23 different apps from this family submitted to Play in one day. At other times, Bread appears to abandon hope of making a variant successful and we see a gap of a week or longer before the next variant. This family showcases the amount of resources that malware authors now have to expend. Google Play Protect is constantly updating detection engines and warning users of malicious apps installed on their device.


Package Name SHA-256 Digest
com.rabbit.artcamera 18c277c7953983f45f2fe6ab4c7d872b2794c256604e43500045cb2b2084103f
org.horoscope.astrology.predict 6f1a1dbeb5b28c80ddc51b77a83c7a27b045309c4f1bff48aaff7d79dfd4eb26
com.theforest.rotatemarswallpaper 4e78a26832a0d471922eb61231bc498463337fed8874db5f70b17dd06dcb9f09
com.jspany.temp 0ce78efa764ce1e7fb92c4de351ec1113f3e2ca4b2932feef46d7d62d6ae87f5 780936deb27be5dceea20a5489014236796a74cc967a12e36cb56d9b8df9bc86
com.rongnea.udonood 8b2271938c524dd1064e74717b82e48b778e49e26b5ac2dae8856555b5489131
com.mbv.a.wp 01611e16f573da2c9dbc7acdd445d84bae71fecf2927753e341d8a5652b89a68 b4822eeb71c83e4aab5ddfecfb58459e5c5e10d382a2364da1c42621f58e119b

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