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Posted by Matt Levine, Director, Risk Management

In an effort to showcase the breadth and depth of Black+ contributions to security and privacy fields, we’ve launched a series in support of #ShareTheMicInCyber that aims to elevate and celebrate the Black+ voices in security and privacy we have here at Google.

Today, we will hear from Rob Duhart, he leads a cross functional team at Google that aims to enable and empower all of our products, like Chrome, Android and Maps, to mature their security risk journey.

Rob’s commitment to making the internet a safer place extends far beyond his work at Google, he is a member of the Cyber Security Executive Education Advisory Board of Directors at Washington University in St. Louis, where he helps craft the future of cyber security executive education globally. Rob also sits on the board of the EC-Council and has founded chapters of the International Consortium of Cybersecurity Professionals (ICMCP) across the country.

Rob is passionate about securing the digital world and supporting Black+, women, and underrepresented minorities across the technology landscape.

Why do you work in security or privacy?

I have been in the cyber world long enough to know how important it is for security and privacy to be top of mind and focus for organizations of all shapes and sizes. My passion lies in keeping users and Googlers safe. One of the main reasons I joined Google is its commitment to security and privacy.

Tell us a little bit about your career journey to Google…
I was fortunate to begin my cybersecurity career in the United States Government working at the Department of Energy, FBI, and the Intelligence Community. I transitioned to the private sector in 2017 and have been fortunate to lead talented security teams at Cardinal Health and Ford Motor Company.

My journey into cybersecurity was not traditional. I studied Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis, completed graduate education at George Mason University and Carnegie Mellon University. I honed my skills and expertise in this space through hands on experience and with the support of many amazing mentors. It has been the ride of a lifetime and I look forward to what is next.

To those thinking about making a career change or are just starting to get into security, my advice is don’t be afraid to ask for help.

What is your security or privacy “soapbox”?

At Google, we implement a model known as Federated Security, where our security teams partner across our Product Areas to enable security program maturity Google wide. Our Federated Security team believes in harnessing the power of relationship, engagement, and community to drive maturity into every product. Security and privacy are team sports – it takes business leaders and security leaders working together to secure and protect our digital and physical worlds.

If you are interested in following Rob’s work here at Google and beyond, please follow him on Twitter @RobDuhart. We will be bringing you more profiles over the coming weeks and we hope you will engage with and share these with your network.

If you are interested in participating or learning more about #ShareTheMicInCyber, click here.

While the trackers in LastPass’ Android app don’t collect any personal data, the news may not sit well with some privacy-minded users

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