Cybercriminals are putting a new twist on an old trick

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Zero-day in Internet Explorer – Microsoft cloud leaked big – Dating apps accused of sharing user data with advertisers

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Safari’s anti-tracking feature could apparently give access to users’ browsing habits

The post Google: Flaws in Apple’s privacy tool could enable tracking appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Databases containing 14 years’ worth of customer support logs were publicly accessible with no password protection

The post Microsoft exposed 250 million customer support records appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Some of the most popular dating services may be violating GDPR or other privacy laws

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Some of the most popular dating services may be violating GDPR or other privacy laws

The post Dating apps share personal data with advertisers, study says appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Are you looking to hide in plain sight? Here’s a rundown of three options for becoming invisible online

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You may want to implement a workaround or stop using the browser altogether, at least until Microsoft issues a a fix

The post New Internet Explorer zero‑day remains unpatched appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Microsoft plugs a serious hole in Windows – Your options after Windows 7 end of life – iPhones as security keys for Google accounts

The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

A subscription to the trove of personal details could be had for as little as $2

The post FBI shuts down website selling billions of stolen records appeared first on WeLiveSecurity